Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2316, held on Saturday 3rd March 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle Numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
AQUA 8535 8952
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 0014 6207
AQUA 6812 4312
BLUE 2610 7590
BLUE 6030 8180
GOLD 4931 5107
GOLD 6795 3743
GOLD 8496 7546
GREY 7839 4653
JADE 8497 4277
LIME 0785 2044
LIME 8214 3052
NAVY 3482 4065
PINK 4931 1232
PLUM 6058 1264
ROSE 4991 7683
ROSE 5334 2492
ROSE 5501 5757
ROSE 7319 7126
RUBY 0811 9656
TEAL 7410 6959