Tag Archive | "Lottery Syndicate"

Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Friday 21st January 2022

Euromillions Lottery DrawHere are the EuroMillions results for the 1496th EuroMillions draw, on Friday 21st January 2022 at 8pm UK time.

The Euromillions jackpot was £21,857,937

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 05-14-35-36-39  Lucky Star Numbers: 07-12

In tonight’s Euromillions UK Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holders won £1 million  – Friday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : JVSM 59505

In tonight’s Euromillions Lottery Draw there were also 100 winners in the European Millionaire Maker Draw (UK winners winning £1 million each ) . The European Millionaire Maker numbers are as follows :

BHMR 32763
BHNJ 64417
BHNK 86655
BHNL 54610
BHNQ 96583
BHNT 35440
BHNV 30470
BHPV 32773
EBBB 51860
EBBD 70418
EBBF 26358
EBBJ 34796
EBBP 27831
EBCG 54031
EBCH 27984
EBDB 48546
EBDB 62398
EBDD 99803
EBDK 36121
EBFB 27852
EBFD 53629
EBFD 88478
EBFR 73408
EBFW 57864
EBFZ 49430
EBGD 84310
FBJB 32849
FCBM 92592
FCCZ 64000
FCPV 01912
FFWV 25413
FGNQ 50037
FGVZ 67432
FHNS 76765
FHWD 28167
FJJD 37158
FJJV 71787
FJRZ 35853
FJTV 00190
FKBX 42574
FNCN 99152
FNJK 79627
FNWH 71157
FPBP 12550
FPXH 79858
FQMX 42431
FQTJ 67362
FSDV 60006
FSHF 31374
FSTP 64314
FTHD 16573
FTLZ 26610
FTRH 67340
FVHM 94680
HVSD 27040
HVSF 61310
HVSK 04713
HVSM 17788
HVSP 90761
IMDZ 91577
IMFC 21006
IMFF 48547
JTRT 58673
JVRZ 11907
JVSM 73525
MTRT 79385
MVRZ 26827
NQCC 05383
OQBN 39384
PFCK 17673
PFDB 27796
PFFM 27813
PFFN 07949
PFFW 22456
PFKK 29281
PFLS 22482
PFLS 32079
PFMB 24858
PFPW 21873
RLSH 43275
RLSM 59586
RLSN 57742
RLSP 76359
SBBT 76008
SBBV 14622
TVRZ 55779
TVSD 23735
TVSG 00783
TVSG 76136
TVSH 82930
VTRL 01585
VTRL 87162
VVRZ 30685
WJQH 00203
XVSG 84995
XVSL 70214
ZQQJ 90798
ZTRM 14877
ZTRR 94586
ZVSM 26552


There were no ticket holders in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and thus the Euromillions Lottery Jackpot will increase to an estimated £25 million in the next Euromillions Draw on Tuesday 25th January 2022.

There were three ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw winning £335,319.90 each.

There were fourteen ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £16,793.50 each.

Fifty nine ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £1,241.20 each .

One thousand two hundred and eight ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £111.60 each.

Two thousand four hundred and forty two ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £58.30 each.

Two thousand eight hundred and ninety seven ticket holders matched four main balls winning £34.50 each.

Thirty eight thousand nine hundred and forty three ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £12.80 each.

Fifty six thousand seven hundred and forty ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £9.80 each.

One hundred and thirty one thousand and sixty one ticket holders matched three main balls winning £7.90 each.

Two hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and sixty two ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £5.80 each.

Eight hundred and seventy nine thousand two hundred and ninety ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £4.50 each.

Two million and twenty seven thousand two hundred and forty one ticket holders matched two main balls winning £3.10 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Tuesday 25th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £25 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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UK Lotto Draw Review – Wednesday 19th January 2022

UK Lotto DrawHere are the UK Lotto Results for UK Lotto draw number 2721 , held on Wednesday 19th January 2022 :

The 6-ball jackpot was £2,000,000

The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 03-13-41-50-56-57  Bonus Number: 58

The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will increase to an estimated £4.1 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Saturday 22nd January 2022.

There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.

Twenty nine ticket holders holders matched five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £1,750 each .

One thousand eight hundred and eight ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each .

Forty five thousand four hundred and two ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.

Five hundred and eight thousand one hundred and ninety three ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.

The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Merlinball set 7

It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 22nd January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £4.1 million.

Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!

Click here for more details !

UK Lotto at Jackpot.com

Thunderball at Jackpot.com

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Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Tuesday 18th January 2022

Here are the EuroMillions results for the 1495th EuroMillions draw held on Tuesday 18th January 2022 .

The Euromillions jackpot was £56,246,458/€67,441,797

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 03-12-19-24-30  Lucky Star Numbers: 02-05

UK residents have the additional chance of becoming an overnight millionaire, thanks to the Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw.

In tonight’s Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holder won £1 million  – Tuesday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : VTRN 15755

There was one lucky ticket holder in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and scooped the Euromillions Jackpot of €67,441,797. The single lucky winning jackpot ticket in Tuesday night’s Euromillions Draw was purchased in France.

The Euromillions Lottery Jackpot will therefore start off again at an estimated £14 million in the next Euromillions Lottery Draw on Friday 21st January 2022.

There were seven ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw winning £63,630.70 each.

There were thirteen ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £8,007.70 each.

Eighty ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £405.30 each.

One thousand two hundred and fifty five ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £47.50 each.

Two thousand seven hundred and fifty five ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £22.90 each.

Two housand five hundred and twenty five ticket holders matched four main balls winning £17.50 each.

Thirty thousand eight hundred and thirty one ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £7.10 each.

Forty five thousand nine hundred and thirteen ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £5.30 each.

Ninety thousand seven hundred and thirty four ticket holders matched three main balls winning £5.00 each.

One hundred and forty one thousand one hundred and forty six ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £3.0 each.

Five hundred and forty one thousand eight hundred and seventy nine ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £3.20 each.

One million and eighty one thousand eight hundred and fifty three ticket holders matched two main balls winning £2.60 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Friday 21st January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £14 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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UK Lotto Draw Review – Saturday 15th January 2022

UK Lotto DrawHere are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2720, held on Saturday 15th January 2022 :

The 6-ball jackpot was £12,070,921

The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 13-14-25-31-37-39  Bonus Number: 04

The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls in the UK Lotto Draw and as the UK Lotto Jackpot could not rollover again prize amounts at the lower prize levels in tonight’s draw were boosted in the “jackpot rolldown”.

The UK Lotto Jackpot will therefore start off again at an estimated £2 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 19th January 2022.

There was one ticket holder who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £1,148,447 .

Ninety six ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £4,327 each.

Seven thousand one hundred and sixty six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £188 each.

One hundred and fifty three thousand nine hundred and thirty eight ticket holders matched three main balls winning £57 each.

One million four hundred and twenty four thousand five hundred and thirty four ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip + £5 each.

The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthur; ball set 6

It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 19th January 2022, with an estimated jackpot of £2 million.

Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!

Click here for more details !

UK Lotto at Jackpot.com

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Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Friday 14th January 2022

Euromillions Lottery DrawHere are the EuroMillions results for the 1494th EuroMillions draw, on Friday 14th January 2022 at 8pm UK time.

The Euromillions jackpot was £46,600,782

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 06-17-25-31-46  Lucky Star Numbers: 09-12

In tonight’s Euromillions UK Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holder won £1 million  – Friday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : TSRJ 67300

There were no ticket holders in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and thus the Euromillions Lottery Jackpot will increase to an estimated £55 million in the next Euromillions Draw on Tuesday 18th January 2022.

There were seven ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw winning £80,682.70 each.

There were eleven ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £11,999.80 each.

Thirty three ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £1,245.80 each .

Seven hundred and seventy ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £98.30 each.

One thousand three hundred and eighty six ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £57.70 each.

Two thousand and sixty two ticket holders matched four main balls winning £27.20 each.

Twenty thousand four hundred and four ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £13.70 each.

Thirty five thousand and ninety six  ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £8.90 each.

Eighty eight thousand eight hundred and five ticket holders matched three main balls winning £6.50 each.

One hundred and five thousand seven hundred and four ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £6.60 each.

Four hundred and ninety five thousand six hundred and six ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £4.40 each.

One million two hundred and fifty six thousand seven hundred and seventeen ticket holders matched two main balls winning £2.80 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Tuesday 18th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £55 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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UK Lotto Draw Review – Wednesday 12th January 2022

UK Lotto DrawHere are the UK Lotto Results for UK Lotto draw number 2719 , held on Wednesday 12th January 2022 :

The 6-ball jackpot was £9,311,761

The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 08-21-37-39-56-59  Bonus Number: 32

The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will increase to an estimated £12 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Saturday 15th January 2022.

There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.

Thirty three ticket holders holders matched five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £1,750 each .

Two thousand four hundred and eighteen ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each .

Sixty thousand and nineteen ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.

Six hundred and forty one thousand two hundred and thirty six ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.

The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthurball set 6

It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 15th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £12 million.

Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!

Click here for more details !

UK Lotto at Jackpot.com

Thunderball at Jackpot.com

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Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Tuesday 11th January 2022

Euromillions Lottery DrawHere are the EuroMillions results for the 1493rd EuroMillions draw held on Tuesday 11th January 2022 .

The Euromillions jackpot was £34,392,715

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 04-23-32-33-44  Lucky Star Numbers: 09-12

UK residents have the additional chance of becoming an overnight millionaire, thanks to the Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw.

In tonight’s Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holder won £1 million  – Tuesday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : TRQW 49296

There were no ticket holders in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and thus the Euromillions Jackpot will increase to an estimated £45 million in the next Euromillions Lottery Draw on Friday 14th January 2022.

There were four ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw winning £102,221.10 each.

There were seven ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £13,651.80 each.

Twenty four ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £1,240.20 each.

Six hundred and one ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £91.20 each.

One thousand and eleven ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £57.30 each.

One thousand six hundred and thirteen ticket holders matched four main balls winning £25.20 each.

Fourteen thousand four hundred and fifty two ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £14.00 each.

Twenty seven thousand one hundred and twenty six ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £8.30 each.

Seventy one thousand six hundred and three ticket holders matched three main balls winning £5.90 each.

Seventy six thousand one hundred and seventy ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £6.70 each.

Three hundred and seventy thousand two hundred and seventy four ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £4.30 each.

Nine hundred and forty nine thousand four hundred and nine ticket holders matched two main balls winning £2.70 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Friday 14th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £45 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Friday 7th January 2022

Euromillions Lottery DrawHere are the EuroMillions results for the 1492nd EuroMillions draw, on Friday 7th January 2022 at 8pm UK time.

The Euromillions jackpot was £25,451,971

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 02-14-37-44-50  Lucky Star Numbers: 07-11

In tonight’s Euromillions UK Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holder won £1 million  – Friday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : TQQN 90212

There were no ticket holders in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and thus the Euromillions Lottery Jackpot will increase to an estimated £33 million in the next Euromillions Draw on Tuesday 11th January 2022.

There were four ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw winning £123,023.80 each.

There were three ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £39,583.40 each.

Thirty five ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £1,056.70 each .

Six hundred and ninety seven ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £97.70 each.

One thousand five hundred and twenty one ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £47.30 each.

One thousand four hundred and ninety six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £33.80 each.

Twenty two thousand two hundred ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £11.30 each.

Thirty thousand eight hundred and eighty nine ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £9.10 each.

Seventy one thousand three hundred and seventeen ticket holders matched three main balls winning £7.30 each.

One hundred and twenty three thousand six hundred and one ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £5.10 each.

Four hundred and fifty seven thousand four hundred and eighty ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £4.30 each.

One million and twenty one thousand nine hundred and fifty six ticket holders matched two main balls winning £3.10 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Tuesday 11th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £33 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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UK Lotto Draw Review – Wednesday 5th January 2022

UK Lotto DrawHere are the UK Lotto Results for UK Lotto draw number 2717 , held on Wednesday 5th January 2022 :

The 6-ball jackpot was £5,544,411

The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 03-05-21-28-56-57  Bonus Number: 14

The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will increase to an estimated £7.7 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Saturday 8th January 2022.

There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.

Thirty eight ticket holders holders matched five main balls in tonight’s draw winning £1,750 each .

Two thousand six hundred and seventy eight ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each .

Sixty nine thousand two hundred and eighteen ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.

Six hundred and ninety thousand six hundred and seventy nine ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.

The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthurball set 5

It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 8th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £7.7 million.

Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!

Click here for more details !

UK Lotto at Jackpot.com

Thunderball at Jackpot.com

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Euromillions Lottery Draw Review – Tuesday 4th January 2022

Here are the EuroMillions results for the 1491st EuroMillions draw held on Tuesday 4th January 2022 .

The Euromillions jackpot was £14,189,900

The EuroMillions results are…

Main Numbers: 18-28-35-36-41  Lucky Star Numbers: 06-11

UK residents have the additional chance of becoming an overnight millionaire, thanks to the Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw.

In tonight’s Euromillions Millionaire Maker draw one ticket holder won £1 million  – Tuesday night’s lucky Millionaire Maker draw number is : ZPQD 29592

There were no ticket holders in tonight’s draw who matched the five main balls and two lucky stars and thus the Euromillions Jackpot will increase to an estimated £25 million in the next Euromillions Lottery Draw on Friday 7th January 2022.

There were no ticket holders who matched the five main balls and one lucky star in tonight’s draw.

There were four ticket holders matching the five main balls in tonight’s draw winning €153,095.54 each.( No UK based winners )

Fifteen ticket holders matched four main balls and two lucky stars winning £1,730.50 each.

Four hundred and forty one ticket holders matched four main balls and one lucky star winning £108.40 each.

Nine hundred and fourteen ticket holders matched three main balls and two lucky stars winning £55.30 each.

Nine hundred and eighty six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £36.00 each.

Fourteen thousand one hundred and forty two ticket holders matched two main balls and two lucky stars winning £12.50 each.

Nineteen thousand two hundred and forty three ticket holders matched three main balls and one lucky star winning £10.20 each.

Forty four thousand six hundred and sixty six ticket holders matched three main balls winning £8.20 each.

Seventy eight thousand one hundred and sixty one ticket holders matched one main ball and two lucky stars winning £5.70 each.

Two hundred and ninety four thousand two hundred and ninety two ticket holders matched two main balls and one lucky star winning £4.70 each.

Seven hundred thousand two hundred and forty five ticket holders matched two main balls winning £3.20 each.

The next Euromillions Draw is on Friday 7th January 2022 with an estimated jackpot of £25 million.

Playing in a lottery syndicate is a great way to improve your chances of winning. Now you’ve got your EuroMillions results, go and find out how you can play in a lottery syndicate !

Click here to find out more

EuroMillions at Jackpot.com

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EuroMillions at Jackpot.com
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