Tag Archive | "Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday"
Posted on 17 November 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, saturday raffle draw, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2390, held on Saturday 17th November 2018 :
In Saturday night’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
ROSE 0223 8052
20 prizes of £20,000
GOLD 4474 9656
GOLD 7582 8638
GREY 1826 5743
GREY 3978 7092
GREY 7993 2537
JADE 1211 4966
JADE 1291 8003
JADE 4433 8381
LIME 2479 6994
NAVY 1075 1005
NAVY 1306 9766
NAVY 2861 9144
PLUM 2264 6497
PLUM 5632 0396
PLUM 8921 8418
PLUM 9192 9511
PLUM 9832 2339
RUBY 0725 1089
TEAL 1462 3197
TEAL 3339 9228

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 10 November 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, saturday raffle draw, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2388, held on Saturday 10th November 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
BLUE 3914 3820
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 0034 7596
AQUA 5833 4843
BLUE 7970 7970
GOLD 6220 1502
GREY 3722 9176
GREY 4289 9678
GREY 6591 2153
NAVY 0119 4864
NAVY 1158 5750
PINK 3022 3274
PINK 5363 3174
PINK 7222 5022
PINK 8227 4477
PINK 8781 8454
PLUM 3083 8698
ROSE 4374 9430
RUBY 0253 9938
RUBY 2929 8681
RUBY 3976 7131
RUBY 7476 960

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 03 November 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Syndicate Saturday, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2386, held on Saturday 3rd November 2018 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £5,177,188
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 16-31-41-45-47-52 Bonus Number: 53
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto jackpot will rollover to an estimated £6.6 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 7th November 2018.
There was one ticket holder who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £74,823.
Sixty three ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £1,250 each.
Three thousand four hundred and four ticket holders matched four main balls winning £149 each.
Eighty six thousand seven hundred and seventy ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Nine hundred and two thousand two hundred and twenty six ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere ; ball set 2
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 7th November 2018, with an estimated jackpot of £6.6 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 03 November 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle tonight, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, saturday raffle draw, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2386, held on Saturday 3rd November 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
The lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers in Saturday night’s UK Lotto Raffle draw are as follows :
1 prize of £1,000,000
GOLD 0974 2725
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 2416 8260
BLUE 5178 0179
BLUE 5328 9220
BLUE 6313 0077
GOLD 6032 6654
GOLD 6628 8624
JADE 1196 9524
JADE 2443 0576
NAVY 2868 6006
PINK 1105 0590
PINK 4791 0154
PLUM 0074 9147
PLUM 5632 0334
PLUM 6270 2504
PLUM 6446 1119
ROSE 8416 6328
TEAL 0975 2386
TEAL 7497 4107
TEAL 9396 0982
TEAL 9821 6691

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 27 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, lotto and raffle Saturday night, Lotto Numbers Saturday, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, Lotto Raffle Review Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, Saturday Lottery Results, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2384, held on Saturday 27th October 2018 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £16,543,093
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 01-06-25-26-31-39 Bonus Number: 56
The UK Lotto results confirm that there was one ticket holder in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and scooped the UK Lotto jackpot of £16,543,093.
The UK Lotto jackpot will therefore start off again at an estimated £1.8 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 31st October 2018.
There was one ticket holder who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £78,663.
One hundred and thirty seven ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £604 each.
Seven thousand five hundred and thirty seven ticket holders matched four main balls winning £70 each.
One hundred and fifty one thousand eight hundred and thirty three ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One million two hundred and eighty seven thousand eight hundred and ninety five ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere ; ball set 1
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 31st October 2018, with an estimated jackpot of £1.8 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 27 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, lotto and raffle Saturday night, Lotto Raffle, lotto raffle £1 m, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, saturday raffle draw, UK Lottery, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2384, held on Saturday 27th October 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle Draw numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
BLUE 7827 6257
20 prizes of £20,000
BLUE 2627 5667
BLUE 3583 1011
BLUE 7160 8097
BLUE 7210 7006
BLUE 9249 5683
GOLD 0446 6811
GOLD 8303 4804
GREY 6049 2169
GREY 6564 4385
JADE 0889 7758
JADE 8009 0749
LIME 7007 7841
LIME 8042 0158
PINK 7937 8825
PLUM 2093 7414
PLUM 9164 5110
ROSE 1199 0187
ROSE 4869 9951
RUBY 8485 7720
TEAL 8406 8726

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 20 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Jackpot, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2382, held on Saturday 20th October 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
ROSE 6081 2502
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 8402 5986
AQUA 9321 1784
BLUE 0969 7933
BLUE 5150 5081
BLUE 6012 7288
BLUE 6606 2989
GOLD 4816 5844
GOLD 7512 5641
GREY 1640 8948
GREY 2745 1549
GREY 7941 5141
LIME 4243 7657
NAVY 8118 9956
PINK 9937 5392
PLUM 2361 7253
PLUM 7224 6450
PLUM 8484 9594
ROSE 4199 2445
ROSE 7184 3008
RUBY 1730 0388

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 13 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2380, held on Saturday 13th October 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
The numbers picked in Saturday night’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw are as follows :
1 prize of £1,000,000
RUBY 2402 0519
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 2828 3048
AQUA 5901 9725
AQUA 8251 9915
GOLD 6639 1555
GOLD 8935 8680
GREY 0016 3726
GREY 1538 6211
GREY 4001 8239
GREY 4716 4449
GREY 5033 3534
LIME 8714 7389
NAVY 3262 6289
PINK 0222 5989
PINK 4773 3944
PINK 8279 2298
RUBY 5503 7318
TEAL 1087 0497
TEAL 2177 7884
TEAL 3365 3583
TEAL 4821 1421

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 06 October 2018. Tags: how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Winning Numbers, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, lotto and raffle Saturday night, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, UK Lotto Rollover
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2378, held on Saturday 6th October 2018 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £3,377,130
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 23-26-30-32-37-39 Bonus Number: 05
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto jackpot will rise to an estimated £5.3 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 10th October 2018.
There were no ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw.
Eighty five ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £933 each.
Four thousand two hundred and fifty six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £120 each.
One hundred and four thousand and eight ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One million and sixty two thousand three hundred and three ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Lancelot ; ball set 3
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 10th October 2018, with an estimated jackpot of £5.3 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 06 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, lotto and raffle Saturday night, Lotto Raffle, lotto raffle £1 m, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, play lotto raffle tonight, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, saturday lotto numbers, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2378, held on Saturday 6th October 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are as follows :
1 prize of £1,000,000
LIME 8918 0849
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 0715 8889
AQUA 6498 1389
BLUE 4610 5357
GOLD 0047 6447
GOLD 3927 3046
GOLD 5168 1905
GREY 5616 5953
GREY 6702 8234
GREY 9177 2573
JADE 5210 2980
LIME 2831 9209
LIME 4267 6948
NAVY 8675 3535
PLUM 8973 9929
PLUM 9104 2031
ROSE 8859 4278
TEAL 1574 4921
TEAL 5424 6141
TEAL 6296 3808
TEAL 8945 3454

Posted in Lottery Results