Tag Archive | "Lotto Raffle Results"

UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Saturday 13th January 2018

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2302, held on Saturday 13th January 2018 :


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday nights’ lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

TEAL 4431 2291

20 prizes of £20,000

BLUE 2534 7808
GOLD 6003 1764
GOLD 9807 0423
GREY 5488 4567
GREY 5746 9240
GREY 5821 5800
GREY 5895 7803
GREY 8799 2774
JADE 0678 5540
JADE 9986 8136
LIME 4829 5562
PINK 1235 8750
PINK 4779 2714
PINK 7635 7824
ROSE 7242 9925
RUBY 3391 4124
RUBY 7979 8432
TEAL 4754 2704
TEAL 5816 2915
TEAL 9277 0046

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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Wednesday 10th January 2018

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2301 , held on Wednesday 10th January 2018 :


In Wednesday night’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

BLUE 8182 8028

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 3736 9846
GREY 0940 9232
GREY 3929 3279
JADE 6174 4456
JADE 7898 7214
JADE 8118 0349
JADE 9744 1832
LIME 1710 9926
NAVY 3053 7140
NAVY 9839 1343
PINK 0417 4514
PINK 0815 3307
PINK 4119 1063
ROSE 2360 3470
ROSE 2909 7771
RUBY 2249 7254
RUBY 3893 0641
RUBY 7547 3102
TEAL 3298 3058
TEAL 6921 5417

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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Saturday 6th January 2018

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2300, held on Saturday 6th January 2018 :


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

PLUM 5831 5190

20 prizes of £20,000

BLUE 0228 2663
GOLD 4838 1053
GREY 2186 5463
JADE 4091 5155
JADE 4109 2027
JADE 4741 9663
JADE 5511 4138
JADE 9275 0562
LIME 4087 1255
LIME 5465 8457
NAVY 8187 1285
PINK 4347 9748
PINK 5680 7679
PINK 8486 8238
PLUM 9329 8198
ROSE 0619 3467
RUBY 2360 4947
RUBY 8518 5582
TEAL 0315 8054
TEAL 1194 9373


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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Wednesday 3rd January 2018

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2299 , held on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 :


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

TEAL 5841 0431

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 2654 3450
AQUA 6690 6856
AQUA 7596 5593
AQUA 9658 5677
BLUE 4003 3111
GOLD 4737 7725
GREY 2686 5491
JADE 5033 5984
JADE 6382 9849
JADE 7148 2667
JADE 8641 5212
LIME 2705 9181
LIME 5506 0869
NAVY 6808 9578
PLUM 0753 6474
RUBY 1225 2872
RUBY 3729 2849
RUBY 8141 2402
TEAL 3609 1551
TEAL 3681 3762


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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review -Saturday 30th December 2017

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2298, held on Saturday 30th December 2017:


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

JADE 1915 8760

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 1778 8307
BLUE 9508 4139
GOLD 6735 1441
GREY 2539 0518
GREY 8932 1266
JADE 0986 7282
LIME 8581 5081
NAVY 6519 8262
NAVY 7742 8025
PINK 4489 1364
PINK 5112 8510
PINK 8038 1994
PLUM 5522 8121
PLUM 8053 9744
ROSE 0528 2852
ROSE 1593 9591
ROSE 4415 1266
ROSE 9348 5267
RUBY 2704 4538
RUBY 9557 9033


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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Saturday 23rd December 2017

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2296, held on Saturday 23rd December 2017:


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and two hundred and twenty(!) ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :

1 prize of £1,000,000

GREY 6048 1738

220 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 0208 3454
AQUA 1013 2224
AQUA 1137 5615
AQUA 1995 4015
AQUA 2454 5650
AQUA 2790 9156
AQUA 3629 8629
AQUA 3963 4131
AQUA 5428 4800
AQUA 5930 4569
AQUA 5934 1204
AQUA 6364 0310
AQUA 6879 5092
AQUA 7518 6489
AQUA 7520 1572
AQUA 7741 6759
AQUA 8267 8888
AQUA 8356 0915
AQUA 8808 2376
BLUE 0073 9611
BLUE 1282 9227
BLUE 2041 2972
BLUE 2089 9880
BLUE 3198 9343
BLUE 4300 7978
BLUE 4330 8277
BLUE 4926 4887
BLUE 5229 4784
BLUE 7522 2740
BLUE 7833 8337
BLUE 8923 7521
BLUE 8930 7848
BLUE 8971 6687
BLUE 9007 1511
BLUE 9304 0946
BLUE 9366 8154
BLUE 9777 8716
GOLD 2777 7278
GOLD 3498 5488
GOLD 3743 0806
GOLD 3966 9145
GOLD 4001 6149
GOLD 4219 6235
GOLD 4287 5989
GOLD 4455 0077
GOLD 4676 7654
GOLD 5012 8402
GOLD 5179 8142
GOLD 6909 8877
GOLD 7201 6497
GOLD 7818 8302
GOLD 8112 8653
GOLD 8154 4437
GOLD 8323 2580
GREY 0837 8554
GREY 2115 3273
GREY 2718 6603
GREY 4505 5457
GREY 5077 4253
GREY 5797 1908
GREY 6043 5218
GREY 6414 3510
GREY 6479 4726
GREY 6738 0518
GREY 6801 5295
GREY 6801 9386
GREY 6964 6785
GREY 8143 4056
GREY 8811 4083
GREY 9179 4270
GREY 9345 4729
GREY 9920 6668
JADE 0022 3871
JADE 1144 5919
JADE 1946 0366
JADE 2018 1872
JADE 2578 9073
JADE 3023 9614
JADE 4310 9397
JADE 4636 8269
JADE 4919 1155
JADE 4958 8772
JADE 5093 1995
JADE 5136 3163
JADE 5501 5200
JADE 5557 2181
JADE 5782 3991
JADE 6762 0034
JADE 7586 7670
JADE 7921 5697
JADE 8125 0727
JADE 9339 6461
JADE 9718 9506
JADE 9833 9321
LIME 0227 1751
LIME 1329 0059
LIME 1459 6923
LIME 1621 5010
LIME 1826 5672
LIME 3343 2410
LIME 3552 6017
LIME 4461 3530
LIME 4700 6882
LIME 5204 8013
LIME 5594 0484
LIME 5744 8276
LIME 5846 7092
LIME 6133 5971
LIME 6555 8243
LIME 7433 3610
LIME 7802 6849
LIME 7905 3482
LIME 7915 4301
LIME 9245 7242
LIME 9465 9236
LIME 9896 5370
NAVY 0251 8319
NAVY 0588 3765
NAVY 0968 8782
NAVY 1547 8079
NAVY 1562 1190
NAVY 2583 0620
NAVY 2709 6304
NAVY 3690 2647
NAVY 4344 2934
NAVY 6181 1105
NAVY 7243 5848
NAVY 7514 7579
NAVY 8181 7772
NAVY 8992 9013
NAVY 9694 5860
PINK 0004 9840
PINK 1675 6429
PINK 1876 3731
PINK 3163 5800
PINK 3873 0818
PINK 4641 5915
PINK 6737 2848
PINK 6920 2367
PINK 7494 6432
PINK 8763 1803
PINK 9035 5628
PLUM 0072 3482
PLUM 0361 2070
PLUM 1176 4463
PLUM 1943 6219
PLUM 2054 7549
PLUM 2302 1854
PLUM 2489 4916
PLUM 2669 8691
PLUM 3035 5784
PLUM 3219 1362
PLUM 3754 5223
PLUM 4339 4662
PLUM 5427 8980
PLUM 6862 8818
PLUM 8439 1484
PLUM 8714 7276
PLUM 8820 1186
PLUM 9330 8861
PLUM 9605 9622
PLUM 9693 9743
PLUM 9901 7754
ROSE 0992 8518
ROSE 1548 6869
ROSE 2960 3266
ROSE 4055 1438
ROSE 4186 8922
ROSE 4340 3113
ROSE 4741 7536
ROSE 4817 4393
ROSE 5635 8799
ROSE 7993 9981
ROSE 9155 5144
ROSE 9522 4742
ROSE 9545 1867
ROSE 9664 4149
RUBY 0466 9509
RUBY 1531 2859
RUBY 1941 1808
RUBY 2410 7878
RUBY 3489 8562
RUBY 3573 5047
RUBY 4542 8888
RUBY 4993 6543
RUBY 5211 1888
RUBY 5276 3391
RUBY 5326 9712
RUBY 5426 1673
RUBY 5720 4825
RUBY 5758 5275
RUBY 6257 9501
RUBY 6615 1105
RUBY 6874 9036
RUBY 9533 4729
RUBY 9959 8904
TEAL 0671 2300
TEAL 0689 2656
TEAL 0888 8879
TEAL 1583 7331
TEAL 1610 7233
TEAL 2241 0978
TEAL 2919 7728
TEAL 3112 3986
TEAL 3361 5678
TEAL 3465 8802
TEAL 3628 9162
TEAL 3646 1869
TEAL 3771 3990
TEAL 3930 8758
TEAL 4380 6261
TEAL 4808 5982
TEAL 5338 6745
TEAL 5543 9645
TEAL 7402 3748
TEAL 8600 3186
TEAL 9032 4817
TEAL 9183 5032
TEAL 9604 0295
TEAL 9894 8675



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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Wednesday 20th December 2017

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2295 , held on Wednesday 20th December 2017:

In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

GOLD 8941 3303

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 4864 6320
AQUA 8243 6290
AQUA 9341 4157
BLUE 1675 6366
GOLD 9870 7303
GREY 3623 9995
JADE 4711 0178
JADE 7830 5417
NAVY 0465 6014
NAVY 4060 4853
NAVY 4903 3767
PINK 4634 7627
PLUM 0326 9354
PLUM 0840 5788
PLUM 7374 6814
ROSE 1066 3579
ROSE 8050 5446
RUBY 5500 9892
TEAL 0576 6251
TEAL 9432 5582


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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Saturday 16th December

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2294, held on Saturday 16th December 2017:


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

PINK 3804 7274

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 9739 6287
BLUE 5552 1982
GOLD 1831 4047
GOLD 3076 2840
GOLD 3933 5413
GOLD 6444 4959
GOLD 7324 9525
GREY 1749 6355
JADE 5865 7121
JADE 9383 6993
LIME 3389 1164
PINK 4773 6669
PINK 7884 8531
PLUM 1945 7662
ROSE 0234 9523
ROSE 5757 7751
ROSE 8119 0546
RUBY 7600 5106
TEAL 4686 1311
TEAL 6528 6958


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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Wednesday 13th December 2017

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2293 , held on Wednesday 13th December 2017:


In Wednesday night’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

NAVY 6563 3918

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 9641 6681
BLUE 0427 9837
GOLD 1908 5337
JADE 1448 3060
JADE 6427 3978
JADE 9894 5151
LIME 2063 7959
LIME 3174 7573
LIME 4203 9022
LIME 4992 1080
LIME 7537 2440
NAVY 9223 7168
PINK 3351 8490
PLUM 0033 1561
PLUM 0894 7140
PLUM 9295 0033
ROSE 5002 4396
RUBY 7147 5685
RUBY 7196 5791
TEAL 4956 7832

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UK Lotto Raffle Draw Review – Saturday 9th December 2017

Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2292, held on Saturday 9th December 2017:


In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.


Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :


1 prize of £1,000,000

TEAL 3649 3910

20 prizes of £20,000

AQUA 1381 9348
AQUA 3201 8851
GOLD 6135 5550
GREY 4045 4534
GREY 7302 1808
JADE 1313 3320
JADE 8441 6499
JADE 9264 5289
NAVY 4235 4120
PLUM 1969 6437
PLUM 2022 6594
PLUM 4818 5018
PLUM 7791 3168
ROSE 0932 1786
ROSE 2159 1683
ROSE 5573 7858
ROSE 9128 7462
RUBY 1528 4683
RUBY 6296 1926
TEAL 5230 5386


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