Tag Archive | "UK Lotto Raffle News"
Posted on 13 October 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, lotto raffle draw tonight, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2380, held on Saturday 13th October 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
The numbers picked in Saturday night’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw are as follows :
1 prize of £1,000,000
RUBY 2402 0519
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 2828 3048
AQUA 5901 9725
AQUA 8251 9915
GOLD 6639 1555
GOLD 8935 8680
GREY 0016 3726
GREY 1538 6211
GREY 4001 8239
GREY 4716 4449
GREY 5033 3534
LIME 8714 7389
NAVY 3262 6289
PINK 0222 5989
PINK 4773 3944
PINK 8279 2298
RUBY 5503 7318
TEAL 1087 0497
TEAL 2177 7884
TEAL 3365 3583
TEAL 4821 1421

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 12 September 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Jackpot, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, lotto raffle draw tonight, lotto raffle draw Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle tonight, UK Lottery, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Wednesday Lotto Raffle
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Draw Results for Lotto draw number 2371 , held on Wednesday 12th September 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
BLUE 4387 8187
20 prizes of £20,000
BLUE 3030 0937
BLUE 9204 9224
GOLD 4802 8940
GOLD 9018 1860
JADE 0729 1106
JADE 3877 0914
JADE 4570 1482
JADE 6492 8938
JADE 7476 8084
NAVY 5022 2173
NAVY 5890 4129
NAVY 8861 5055
PLUM 4365 8121
ROSE 3442 2668
ROSE 5865 8664
ROSE 8398 4471
RUBY 0840 5532
RUBY 4742 8026
RUBY 6113 2702
TEAL 4914 5716

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 21 July 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, saturday lotto numbers, saturday lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2356, held on Saturday 21st July 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
RUBY 6430 7531
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 3258 8255
BLUE 9947 1029
GREY 7548 2676
JADE 5164 9231
JADE 5365 8716
NAVY 0602 6871
NAVY 2474 9545
NAVY 2566 7851
NAVY 8191 7731
NAVY 8576 8839
PINK 0812 8259
PINK 3238 8039
PINK 3546 5762
PLUM 5314 9668
ROSE 2115 9884
ROSE 2746 0045
ROSE 3583 8025
ROSE 7504 5496
ROSE 9275 0176
RUBY 3841 2102
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 09 June 2018. Tags: Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, Lotto Raffle Review Saturday, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, uk lotto raffle Saturday, Winning Lotto Numbers Saturday, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2344, held on Saturday 9th June 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £ 1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
JADE 4727 9723
20 prizes of £20,000
BLUE 4352 3865
BLUE 6574 3059
BLUE 8251 0848
GOLD 6059 4148
GOLD 8431 9770
JADE 1609 2906
JADE 8713 8190
LIME 0944 2179
LIME 2596 6999
LIME 4780 8836
NAVY 0008 9556
NAVY 2066 4610
PINK 2227 9267
PINK 8453 1848
PLUM 8905 4057
ROSE 6451 3343
TEAL 3713 6848
TEAL 4385 2043
TEAL 4856 8455
TEAL 9512 5765

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 06 June 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, lotto raffle £1 m, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle Draw, lotto raffle draw Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Wednesday Lotto Raffle, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2343 , held on Wednesday 6th June 2018 :
In Wednesday night’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle Draw numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
PLUM 2601 0930
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 1286 5963
AQUA 3327 9733
AQUA 3465 1532
AQUA 9228 4970
GOLD 5698 7906
GOLD 7150 9064
GREY 3385 0951
JADE 1617 7775
JADE 5038 4710
NAVY 1828 4830
PINK 7077 0995
PLUM 1752 6288
PLUM 4236 2906
RUBY 0724 4833
RUBY 1714 7868
RUBY 4380 8215
TEAL 1950 6952
TEAL 2816 2001
TEAL 9734 4559
TEAL 9887 2557
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 26 May 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, Saturday Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Winning Lotto Numbers Saturday, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2340, held on Saturday 26th May 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
ROSE 6708 8878
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 5232 3250
GOLD 0817 2837
GOLD 1287 2445
GOLD 8538 6457
GOLD 9866 6672
GREY 1115 5712
GREY 3023 5628
GREY 3398 2570
GREY 4851 1462
GREY 5013 1988
JADE 0048 6110
JADE 5927 0248
NAVY 4765 3157
PINK 5603 3412
PINK 7420 1732
PLUM 5542 2612
ROSE 0184 0861
RUBY 8084 7815
TEAL 7526 7301
TEAL 9628 6552

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 21 March 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto and Raffle Numbers Wednesday night, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Wednesday night, Lotto Raffle Winners, play lotto raffle, UK Lottery, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle Wednesday, Wednesday Lottery Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2321 , held on Wednesday 21st March 2018 :
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle Draw numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
NAVY 9052 3020
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 8030 7969
GREY 2317 2811
JADE 8741 1988
LIME 2942 6322
LIME 5630 7755
LIME 6368 5830
LIME 6612 1472
NAVY 1448 2267
NAVY 1798 0235
NAVY 2905 6769
PLUM 1317 8346
PLUM 2181 1737
PLUM 3504 7602
PLUM 6623 8496
ROSE 7698 0165
RUBY 0944 6321
RUBY 3740 8276
RUBY 8535 0362
TEAL 4993 1969
TEAL 7170 6777
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 20 December 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Winners, play lotto raffle, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Wednesday Lotto Raffle, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2295 , held on Wednesday 20th December 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
GOLD 8941 3303
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 4864 6320
AQUA 8243 6290
AQUA 9341 4157
BLUE 1675 6366
GOLD 9870 7303
GREY 3623 9995
JADE 4711 0178
JADE 7830 5417
NAVY 0465 6014
NAVY 4060 4853
NAVY 4903 3767
PINK 4634 7627
PLUM 0326 9354
PLUM 0840 5788
PLUM 7374 6814
ROSE 1066 3579
ROSE 8050 5446
RUBY 5500 9892
TEAL 0576 6251
TEAL 9432 5582
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 16 December 2017. Tags: Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, Lotto Raffle Review Saturday, Lotto Raffle Saturday, Lotto Raffle Saturday Night, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, uk lotto raffle Saturday
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2294, held on Saturday 16th December 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
PINK 3804 7274
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 9739 6287
BLUE 5552 1982
GOLD 1831 4047
GOLD 3076 2840
GOLD 3933 5413
GOLD 6444 4959
GOLD 7324 9525
GREY 1749 6355
JADE 5865 7121
JADE 9383 6993
LIME 3389 1164
PINK 4773 6669
PINK 7884 8531
PLUM 1945 7662
ROSE 0234 9523
ROSE 5757 7751
ROSE 8119 0546
RUBY 7600 5106
TEAL 4686 1311
TEAL 6528 6958

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 06 December 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle Numbers Wednesday night, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle Wednesday, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2291 , held on Wednesday 6th December 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
TEAL 6953 8351
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 2512 6222
AQUA 3793 5569
AQUA 6195 9634
AQUA 8733 1998
BLUE 4721 7415
BLUE 7254 7353
GOLD 3042 0091
GOLD 8659 6960
GREY 2165 4433
GREY 7699 4026
JADE 7497 6122
LIME 2232 2160
LIME 9125 5863
NAVY 9022 1352
ROSE 0465 7787
ROSE 8290 3675
ROSE 9868 6416
RUBY 7479 7044
TEAL 8297 0869
TEAL 9569 7980

Posted in Lottery Results