Posted on 04 February 2015. Tags: Lotto Raffle, lotto raffle 4th February, Lotto Raffle Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Winning Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle Wednesday
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 1995 , held on Wednesday 4th February 2015:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw 50 ticket holders won £20,000 each. The lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers drawn tonight were as follows :
AQUA 2250 3722
AQUA 4900 9204
AQUA 5240 6553
AQUA 5735 3246
BLUE 4219 6365
BLUE 5806 9797
BLUE 7921 0605
BLUE 9052 7637
GOLD 1543 3385
GOLD 2667 4036
GOLD 3717 6001
GOLD 5293 1510
GOLD 8811 4183
GOLD 9746 9504
GREY 2800 3484
GREY 3809 3530
GREY 7452 6984
GREY 8001 9088
JADE 4339 1039
JADE 6340 1333
JADE 6737 4638
LIME 7691 6156
LIME 8936 3148
NAVY 0415 8505
NAVY 0612 6790
NAVY 3102 0083
NAVY 4998 3399
NAVY 5594 5141
NAVY 8637 6535
NAVY 8756 1579
PINK 6062 7328
PINK 7343 2140
PINK 9391 4119
PLUM 5784 7147
PLUM 8730 3390
PLUM 9381 8322
PLUM 9405 6934
ROSE 5265 2810
ROSE 6272 6926
ROSE 7046 4686
RUBY 0980 8198
RUBY 2019 0939
RUBY 2423 4997
RUBY 3056 6372
RUBY 7608 6229
RUBY 7698 6416
TEAL 0300 0044
TEAL 0728 9397
TEAL 3604 2340
TEAL 9698 2356
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 28 January 2015. Tags: Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 1993 , held on Wednesday 28th January 2015:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle 50 ticket holders won £20,000 each . The lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers drawn tonight were as follows :
AQUA 0773 8389
AQUA 1412 8659
AQUA 4822 4719
AQUA 6179 6831
AQUA 7124 5519
AQUA 9333 8948
BLUE 0658 6011
BLUE 2970 9596
BLUE 4718 1289
BLUE 5152 1411
BLUE 9627 9177
GOLD 1794 5642
GOLD 5247 5182
GOLD 9334 3904
GREY 0952 1401
GREY 1961 8813
GREY 2001 8609
GREY 4337 6868
JADE 4667 9269
JADE 5419 4337
JADE 7022 4645
JADE 9435 7292
LIME 1663 9051
LIME 2036 5326
LIME 2180 1451
LIME 6029 7250
LIME 6665 4554
LIME 6828 3228
NAVY 1252 8193
NAVY 4534 0739
NAVY 5702 6776
PINK 0235 7397
PINK 6033 4011
PINK 8279 0530
PINK 8799 2154
PINK 9162 5902
PINK 9649 3756
PLUM 1025 4560
PLUM 4678 9574
PLUM 7145 7939
ROSE 0640 8926
ROSE 1973 6867
ROSE 2784 0567
ROSE 7005 3354
RUBY 3735 1456
RUBY 7363 4058
RUBY 9590 3649
TEAL 4732 1900
TEAL 7908 9543
TEAL 9366 8696
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 14 June 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle NUmbers Saturday, Lotto Raffle Numbers Saturday 14th June, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, lotto raffle Saturday 14th June, Saturday Lottery, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 1928, held on Saturday 14th June 2014:
There were fifty lucky ticket holders who won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – tonight’s winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
AQUA 1066 4000
AQUA 3120 1189
AQUA 6944 2719
AQUA 8111 7406
AQUA 8860 8882
AQUA 9513 9037
BLUE 1015 4403
BLUE 3506 5248
BLUE 3589 3458
BLUE 9743 7809
GOLD 0144 6809
GOLD 2848 6297
GOLD 6739 1319
GOLD 8599 5788
GREY 2629 3317
GREY 4102 7935
GREY 7483 8905
GREY 7834 3919
GREY 9123 3316
LIME 3647 0353
LIME 3850 5732
LIME 5533 8174
LIME 8770 7988
LIME 8908 9380
LIME 9876 7723
NAVY 3456 3192
NAVY 4291 6139
NAVY 4580 1332
NAVY 5137 9952
NAVY 6225 8708
NAVY 9751 4766
NAVY 9944 3902
PINK 0910 8311
PINK 5412 5932
PINK 6039 7985
PINK 6110 1283
PINK 6373 9176
PINK 9948 6599
PLUM 1779 6793
PLUM 3605 1898
PLUM 4256 7058
PLUM 5579 4404
ROSE 1722 5138
RUBY 5936 0063
RUBY 9981 7004
TEAL 0507 5410
TEAL 5205 3840
TEAL 6480 5926
TEAL 7906 6955
TEAL 9051 0708
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 17 May 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Jackpot, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Results
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 1920, held on Saturday 17th May 2014:
AQUA 1566 4014
AQUA 1908 6942
AQUA 2065 6218
AQUA 2502 9370
AQUA 3498 7179
AQUA 5051 5808
AQUA 5104 9018
AQUA 7910 7772
AQUA 8766 1375
BLUE 2610 7802
BLUE 2998 1622
BLUE 6647 6831
BLUE 8444 4844
BLUE 8875 1944
BLUE 9067 2877
BLUE 9608 7482
GOLD 0237 1917
GOLD 0379 6791
GOLD 4094 2025
GOLD 5297 0813
GOLD 6422 8527
GOLD 6489 8797
GOLD 7131 0102
GREY 0299 8419
GREY 0746 3037
GREY 1978 9254
GREY 2635 5521
GREY 3768 8576
GREY 5087 7008
GREY 8428 4598
GREY 9254 7155
JADE 0711 2803
JADE 2049 4818
JADE 2751 4183
JADE 3796 2772
JADE 9342 8728
LIME 0179 7620
LIME 1878 5266
LIME 3311 1491
LIME 5235 2689
LIME 7446 5533
LIME 8426 6053
LIME 8803 1697
LIME 8891 9054
NAVY 0613 0901
NAVY 1317 6984
NAVY 2153 8865
NAVY 2154 8512
NAVY 4206 9434
NAVY 5070 1145
NAVY 6657 7585
NAVY 7489 2707
NAVY 7557 8746
NAVY 8803 9324
NAVY 9082 5279
PINK 0561 6447
PINK 1231 2074
PINK 1539 9522
PINK 1619 2540
PINK 3146 1913
PINK 4609 9535
PINK 4633 3026
PINK 5775 6183
PINK 6124 1351
PINK 7596 8975
PINK 7788 2612
PINK 7926 8008
PINK 8096 1295
PLUM 0369 5402
PLUM 3043 6030
PLUM 5342 7467
PLUM 7363 0291
ROSE 0566 4874
ROSE 1638 3473
ROSE 1733 7709
ROSE 2463 8656
ROSE 4253 4589
ROSE 4995 2492
ROSE 5811 7558
ROSE 6667 0462
ROSE 7060 3616
ROSE 9135 3859
ROSE 9629 0039
RUBY 0465 1386
RUBY 2383 9302
RUBY 2850 6976
RUBY 3863 0716
RUBY 5603 8664
RUBY 6836 3933
RUBY 8045 1762
TEAL 0200 8308
TEAL 1438 5364
TEAL 4166 7799
TEAL 5062 0981
TEAL 5869 0518
TEAL 6130 0462
TEAL 6981 2959
TEAL 7516 0132
TEAL 7907 1537
TEAL 7929 3054
Posted in Lottery Results