Tag Archive | "UK Lotto Raffle"
Posted on 17 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, lottery results checker, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Syndicate Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2242, held on Saturday 17th June 2017:
The 6-ball jackpot was £17,407,211
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 01-11-16-20-24-44 Bonus Number: 42
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will rollover to an estimated £18.6 million in the next UK Lotto draw on Wednesday 21st June 2017.
There were five ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £16,123 each.
One hundred and seventy ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £499 each.
Nine thousand three hundred and twenty one ticket holders matched four main balls winning £58 each.
One hundred and eighty one thousand and forty five ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One million four hundred and sixteen thousand and eighty ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthur ; ball set 2
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 21st June 2017, with an estimated jackpot of £18.6 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 17 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, lotto and raffle results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, uk lotto raffle Saturday, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2242, held on Saturday 17th June 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
BLUE 0818 3672
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 1465 9177
AQUA 4324 9230
BLUE 0297 0947
BLUE 6885 0459
GOLD 1046 9662
GOLD 1285 9116
GREY 0135 6022
GREY 4903 8341
JADE 1740 3703
JADE 2520 4705
LIME 3709 8739
LIME 3886 1535
NAVY 4480 8348
PINK 2937 0385
PINK 5866 7982
PINK 8188 8249
PINK 8452 4718
PLUM 4780 1635
PLUM 9518 0861
TEAL 8459 6406
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 14 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers wednesday, Lottery Results, lottery results checker, lottery results Wednesday, Lottery Results Wednesday night, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Wednesday, Lotto and Raffle Numbers Wednesday night, Lotto news Wednesday, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Wednesday, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2241 , held on Wednesday 14th June 2017:
The 6-ball jackpot was £14,877,043
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 02-04-14-23-34-46 Bonus Number: 45
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto jackpot will rollover to an estimated £17.4 million in the next UK Lotto draw on Saturday 17th June 2017.
There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.
Seventy eight ticket holders matched five main balls winning £662 each .
Four thousand five hundred and fifty two ticket holders matched four main balls winning £73 each .
Ninety five thousand five hundred and four ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Eight hundred and eight thousand six hundred and thirty eight ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.
One ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders also won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Merlin ; ball set 3
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 17th June 2017 with an estimated jackpot of £17.4 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 10 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, lottery results checker, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Syndicate Saturday, Lottery Syndicates, Lotto Numbers Saturday, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, Lotto Raffle Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2240, held on Saturday 10th June 2017:
The 6-ball jackpot was £13,178,747
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 10-18-28-35-36-50 Bonus Number: 02
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will rollover to an estimated £14.7 million in the next UK Lotto draw on Wednesday 14th June 2017.
There were two ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £40,403 each.
Sixty five ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £1,308 each.
Four thousand four hundred and fifteen ticket holders matched four main balls winning £124 each.
One hundred and twelve thousand eight hundred and fifteen ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One million one hundred and forty thousand six hundred and seven ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthur ; ball set 4
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 14th June 2017, with an estimated jackpot of £14.7 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 10 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, saturday lotto raffle, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2240, held on Saturday 10th June 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw on ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
AQUA 7574 0675
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 7607 6158
AQUA 9557 2949
GOLD 9815 3705
GREY 2076 2266
GREY 7310 4528
LIME 7985 6270
NAVY 0992 9247
NAVY 1760 9602
NAVY 3225 3437
NAVY 4424 9375
NAVY 5081 8911
PLUM 4786 3027
PLUM 5871 5252
ROSE 4941 8833
ROSE 6140 1485
RUBY 2364 8157
RUBY 5137 4743
RUBY 7150 1632
TEAL 2920 0834
TEAL 6106 3908
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 07 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers wednesday, Lottery Results, Lottery Results Wednesday night, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Wednesday, Lotto and Raffle Numbers Wednesday night, lotto and raffle Wednesday night, Lotto news Wednesday, Lotto Numbers Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Results Wednesday, Lotto Raffle Wednesday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, Play UK Lotto Online, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2239 , held on Wednesday 7th June 2017:
The 6-ball jackpot was £10,140,252
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 06-08-12-36-37-41 Bonus Number: 50
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto jackpot will rollover to an estimated £13.1 million in the next UK Lotto draw on Saturday 10th June 2017.
There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.
Forty seven ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,072 each .
Three thousand nine hundred and thirty one ticket holders matched four main balls winning £82 each .
Eighty seven thousand eight hundred and twenty ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Seven hundred and seventy two thousand seven hundred and forty six ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.
One ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders also won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthur ; ball set 1
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 10th June 2017 with an estimated jackpot of £13.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 07 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery Jackpot, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle Numbers Wednesday night, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Wednesday, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2239 , held on Wednesday 7th June 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
NAVY 5787 4382
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 1781 4660
AQUA 1845 0080
AQUA 4175 2439
AQUA 7419 5425
GOLD 1801 2477
GOLD 6533 8520
GREY 5529 3373
GREY 8146 6198
JADE 5136 2917
LIME 3055 9858
LIME 6951 8923
PINK 1527 0918
PLUM 0381 7580
PLUM 6511 3055
PLUM 6957 5925
ROSE 0165 6700
ROSE 8521 3669
RUBY 0836 9148
RUBY 2197 2484
RUBY 8435 4071
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 03 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto Numbers Saturday, Lotto Raffle Draw Saturday, Lotto Raffle Results Saturday, Lotto Raffle Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, Play UK Lotto Online, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2238, held on Saturday 3rd June 2017:
The 6-ball jackpot was £8,496,269
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 12-19-21-38-47-51 Bonus Number: 48
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will rollover to an estimated £10 million in the next UK Lotto draw on Wednesday 7th June 2017.
There were two ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £39,258 each.
Fifty six ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £1,475 each.
Four thousand seven hundred and twenty nine ticket holders matched four main balls winning £112 each.
One hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty five ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One million one hundred and twenty three thousand six hundred and forty four ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 1 ticket holder won £1 million and 20 ticket holders won £20,000 each .
The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Merlin ; ball set 2
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 7th June 2017, with an estimated jackpot of £10 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 03 June 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Saturday Night, Saturday Lottery, Saturday Lotto and Raffle numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, uk lotto raffle Saturday, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2238, held on Saturday 3rd June 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Saturday night’s lucky winning UK Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
LIME 1860 4341
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 1066 0839
AQUA 5661 3056
BLUE 5021 9632
GOLD 4671 1407
GOLD 9802 8997
GREY 3334 6418
JADE 2229 3718
LIME 3876 3537
LIME 9603 4241
NAVY 0700 5041
NAVY 1142 0850
NAVY 4055 7135
NAVY 8120 3125
NAVY 8793 5911
PINK 4081 8765
PLUM 2355 3727
PLUM 7084 4683
ROSE 1571 8779
ROSE 2583 0013
TEAL 3661 4356
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 31 May 2017. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Draw, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, play lotto raffle, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2237 , held on Wednesday 31st May 2017:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle Draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each.
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
PLUM 5946 8290
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 5049 9120
GOLD 3226 7683
GOLD 7075 8302
GREY 2263 8990
GREY 8740 6957
LIME 1474 3388
LIME 5041 4164
LIME 6026 5784
NAVY 1674 3755
NAVY 2465 2187
NAVY 2969 9971
NAVY 7852 6212
PINK 2628 3933
PINK 3866 6356
ROSE 3411 1630
RUBY 1014 7383
RUBY 1548 5465
RUBY 7601 5544
TEAL 0070 6424
TEAL 6505 0049
Posted in Lottery Results