Posted on 18 May 2016. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle Wednesday, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2129 , held on Wednesday 18th May 2016:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw two ticket holders won £1 million each and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each .
Tonight’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
2 prizes of £1,000,000
GREY 1611 3978
NAVY 1281 6617
20 prizes of £20,000
BLUE 0803 1813
BLUE 1239 0268
BLUE 1439 4830
BLUE 9730 4868
GOLD 2139 6579
GREY 1538 1837
GREY 3668 3989
JADE 9353 1676
JADE 9402 0034
LIME 0935 7362
LIME 6513 8584
NAVY 6729 6787
PINK 0250 4596
ROSE 8594 2945
RUBY 2023 1677
RUBY 7326 0622
RUBY 9151 5422
TEAL 5354 3070
TEAL 8397 7178
TEAL 8605 9525
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 11 May 2016. Tags: Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Results Wednesday, lotto raffle uk, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle Wednesday, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2127 , held on Wednesday 11th May 2016:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw two ticket holders won £1 million each and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each .
Tonight’s winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
2 prizes of £1,000,000
GREY 8227 9217
PLUM 4053 6084
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 7231 0058
AQUA 9200 6334
BLUE 4492 4874
BLUE 5758 8721
BLUE 6601 8284
BLUE 7486 3419
JADE 1494 2191
JADE 6155 4057
JADE 9529 0004
NAVY 6455 6262
NAVY 7173 0336
PLUM 3563 4347
PLUM 4888 6676
PLUM 8613 7809
RUBY 2553 1224
RUBY 9465 4482
TEAL 1343 3124
TEAL 2327 8196
TEAL 3822 7139
TEAL 7027 8222
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 04 May 2016. Tags: Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, Lotto Raffle Results Wednesday, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2125 , held on Wednesday 4th May 2016:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw two ticket holders won £1 million each and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each .
Wednesday night’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
2 prizes of £1,000,000
PLUM 7196 1224
PLUM 8136 0840
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 5290 5902
BLUE 7897 4372
BLUE 8261 7758
BLUE 8612 3703
GOLD 2211 2446
GOLD 7550 4891
GREY 0756 5831
GREY 5003 8930
JADE 8064 8421
LIME 6430 3114
LIME 6905 6891
NAVY 8797 1247
PINK 7908 7004
PLUM 6061 2875
ROSE 4217 3963
RUBY 5942 4814
RUBY 7006 3767
RUBY 9259 4677
TEAL 1019 6323
TEAL 4638 8613
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 27 April 2016. Tags: Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle £20K, Lotto Raffle news, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Prizes, Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2123 , held on Wednesday 27th April 2016:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders won £20,000 each .
Tonight’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
LIME 6485 4918
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 7771 4909
BLUE 1209 8770
BLUE 5559 5213
GOLD 3129 1680
GOLD 4114 1949
GOLD 5853 4838
GOLD 6162 9014
GOLD 7248 4190
GREY 9065 9266
JADE 6994 7862
LIME 5252 6738
LIME 6270 0245
NAVY 2750 7989
NAVY 6845 7453
PLUM 3802 8089
ROSE 2071 9473
RUBY 2050 6571
RUBY 2293 9049
TEAL 0415 8849
TEAL 8804 9662
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 20 April 2016. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lotto and Raffle, Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle, Lotto Raffle Numbers, Lotto Raffle Results, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Raffle News, UK Lotto Raffle Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle Results, Wednesday Lotto and Raffle Numbers, Winning Lotto Raffle Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Raffle Results for Lotto draw number 2121 , held on Wednesday 20th April 2016:
In tonight’s UK Lotto Raffle draw one ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders wo £20,000 each.
Tonight’s lucky winning Lotto Raffle numbers are :
1 prize of £1,000,000
JADE 8500 6183
20 prizes of £20,000
AQUA 0429 6043
AQUA 8088 1299
BLUE 0686 7865
GOLD 3264 4237
GOLD 6175 6375
GREY 4316 2723
GREY 8317 2072
JADE 8164 4854
LIME 1384 0979
LIME 1595 1160
LIME 5565 6117
LIME 7991 4960
NAVY 3641 3642
NAVY 5110 0083
NAVY 6744 2386
PINK 3143 2205
PLUM 3088 2718
RUBY 5106 3894
TEAL 2766 8511
TEAL 8463 3925
Posted in Lottery Results