Tag Archive | "Winning Lotto Numbers"
Posted on 30 March 2019. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery Jackpot, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Syndicate Saturday, Lottery Syndicates, Lotto Numbers Saturday, Lotto Results Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers Saturday
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2428, held on Saturday 30th March 2019 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £7,604,094
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 03-27-35-45-54-55 Bonus Number: 24
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will increase to an estimated £8.9 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 3rd April 2019.
There were no ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw.
Fifty five ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £1,750 each.
Three thousand five hundred and ninety eight ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each.
Ninety one thousand eight hundred and forty seven ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.
Nine hundred and fifty three thousand two hundred and seventy three ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Lancelot ; ball set 7
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 3rd April 2019, with an estimated jackpot of £8.9 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 24 February 2019. Tags: bonus ball, check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers Saturday, Lottery Results, Lottery Saturday, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto News, Lotto Numbers Saturday, Lotto Results Saturday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, uk lotto jackpot, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, UK Lotto Rollover, Winning Lotto Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers Saturday
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2418, held on Saturday 23rd February 2019 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £3,800,000
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 06-09-38-40-42-48 Bonus Number: 57
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto jackpot will increase to an estimated £5.1 million in the next UK Lotto Draw on Wednesday 27th February 2019.
There were two ticket holders who matched the five main balls and the bonus ball in Saturday night’s draw winning £1,000,000 each.
Seventy four ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £1,750 each.
Five thousand five hundred and thirty six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each.
One hundred and twenty four thousand five hundred and sixty three ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.
One million one hundred and forty six thousand four hundred and ninety seven ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Lancelot ; ball set 8
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 27th February 2019, with an estimated jackpot of £5.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 19 December 2018. Tags: check lottery numbers, how to play UK Lotto, join a lottery syndicate, Lottery, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers wednesday, Lottery Results, lottery results Wednesday, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Wednesday, Lotto News, Lotto news Wednesday, Lotto Numbers Wednesday, Lotto Wednesday, play in a lotto syndicate, play in an online lotto syndicate, play uk lotto, Play UK Lotto Online, play uk lotto Wednesday, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lotto Numbers, Winning lotto Numbers Wednesday
Here are the UK Lotto Results for UK Lotto draw number 2399 , held on Wednesday 19th December 2018 :
The 6-ball jackpot was £5,341,733
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 12-24-33-34-39-56 Bonus Number: 38
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will increase to an estimated £15 million ( it’s a Christmas Superdraw!) in the next UK Lotto Draw on Saturday 22nd December 2018.
There were no ticket holders matching the five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.
Thirty four ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,750 each .
Two thousand one hundred and five ticket holders matched four main balls winning £140 each .
Fifty six thousand two hundred and twenty five ticket holders matched three main balls winning £30 each.
Five hundred and seventy five thousand one hundred and forty ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere ; ball set 1
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 22nd December 2018 with an estimated jackpot of £15 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 18 November 2015. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Numbers wednesday, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lottery Wednesday, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers, Winning lotto Numbers Wednesday
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 2077 , held on Wednesday 18th November 2015:
The 6-ball jackpot was £2,291,890
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 09-23-30-46-49-55 Bonus Number: 37
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will rollover to an estimated £7.1 million in the next UK Lotto draw which will be held on Saturday 21st November 2015.
There were no ticket holders matching five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw.
Thirty six ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,496 each .
Two thousand six hundred and ninety nine ticket holders matched four main balls winning £128 each .
Seventy one thousand and eighty seven ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Seven hundred and twenty four thousand nine hundred and eighty six ticket holders matched two main balls winning a Free Lotto Lucky Dip each.
One ticket holder won £1 million and twenty ticket holders also won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere; ball set 1
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 21st November 2015 with an estimated jackpot of £7.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 04 February 2015. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto 4th February, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1995 , held on Wednesday 4th February 2015:
The 6-ball jackpot was £5,791,173
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 10-13-17-22-40-46 Bonus Number: 32
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls thus the UK Lotto Jackpot will rollover to an estimated £8.1 million in the next UK Lotto Draw which will be held on Saturday 7th February 2015.
There were three ticket holders who matched five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw winning £71,738 each.
One hundred and forty three ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,277 each .
Eight thousand and sixty four ticket holders matched four main balls winning £119 each .
One hundred and fifty seven thousand six hundred and sixty four ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Fifty ticket holders won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Arthur; ball set 2
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 7th February 2015, with an estimated jackpot of £8.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 17 December 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto 17th December, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wiltslotto, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1981 , held on Wednesday 17th December 2014:
The 6-ball jackpot was £15,010,730
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 02-19-24-33-35-46 Bonus Number: 12
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls thus the UK Lotto jackpot was not won tonight. As the UK Lotto Draw has reached the maximum number of rollovers the jackpot amount is distributed amongst the lower prize bands . The next UK Lotto Draw will be drawn on Saturday 20th December 2014 with an estimated jackpot of £4.1 million.
There were five ticket holders who matched five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw winning £3,062,272 each.
One hundred and eighty nine ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,350 each .
Ten thousand four hundred and thirty eight ticket holders matched four main balls winning £129 each .
One hundred and ninety four thousand two hundred and twenty seven ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Fifty ticket holders won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Merlin; ball set 2
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 20th December 2014, with an estimated jackpot of £4.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 26 November 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery, Lottery 26th November, Lottery Jackpot, lottery millions, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto 26th November, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1975 , held on Wednesday 26th November 2014:
The 6-ball jackpot was £2,640,517
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 26-28-29-30-41-49 Bonus Number: 31
The UK Lotto results confirm that there was one lucky ticket holder in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls and scooped the UK Lotto jackpot of £2,640,517.
There were two ticket holders who matched five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw winning £105,382 each.
Eighty seven ticket holders matched five main balls winning £2,056 each .
Five thousand and eighty one ticket holders matched four main balls winning £186 each .
One hundred and four thousand eight hundred and sixty five ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Fifty ticket holders won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Merlin; ball set 1
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 29th November 2014, with an estimated jackpot of £4.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !
Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 08 November 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery 8th November, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto 8th November, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1970, held on Saturday 8th November 2014:
The 6-ball jackpot was £3,327,004
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 06-07-22-27-35-42 Bonus Number: 01
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were two lucky ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and shared the UK Lotto jackpot of £3,327,004 winning £1,663,502 each.
Six lucky ticket holders matched the five main balls and the bonus ball winning £44,259 each.
Three hundred and ten ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £727 each.
Seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty ticket holders matched four main balls winning £68 each.
Three hundred and eleven thousand three hundred and ninety seven ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 50 ticket holders won £20,000 each . The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere; ball set 5
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 12th November 2014, with an estimated jackpot of £2.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 01 November 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery 1st November, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, lotto 1st November, Saturday Lottery, saturday lotto numbers, UK Lottery Results, UK Lotto Raffle, UK Lotto Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1968, held on Saturday 1st November 2014:
The 6-ball jackpot was £8,850,906
The UK Lotto results are…Main Numbers: 03-05-09-28-35-47 Bonus Number: 14
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were three lucky ticket holders in Saturday’s draw who matched the six main balls and shared the UK Lotto jackpot of £8,850,906 winning £2,950,302 each.
Five lucky ticket holders matched the five main balls and the bonus ball winning £60,525 each.
Four hundred and fourteen ticket holders matched five of the main balls winning £620 each.
Twenty one thousand and fifty one ticket holders matched four main balls winning £64 each.
Three hundred and sixty five thousand one hundred and twenty three ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
Tonight’s UK Lotto Draw also saw another draw of the UK Lotto Raffle – 200 ticket holders won £20,000 each . The Lotto Raffle numbers for tonight’s draw can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Lancelot; ball set 7
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto Results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Wednesday 5th November 2014, with an estimated jackpot of £2.1 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results
Posted on 29 October 2014. Tags: check lottery numbers, Lottery 29th October, Lottery Jackpot, lottery millions, Lottery news, Lottery Numbers, Lottery Results, Lottery Syndicate, Lotto 29th October, Lotto Results, Lotto Wednesday, UK Lottery, UK Lottery Numbers, UK Lotto, UK Lotto Numbers, UK Lotto Results, Wednesday Lottery Results, Winning Lottery Numbers, Winning Lotto Numbers
Here are the UK Lotto Results for Lotto draw number 1967 , held on Wednesday 29th October 2014:
The 6-ball jackpot was £7,059,487
The UK Lotto results are… Main Numbers: 13-14-17-25-31-49 Bonus Number: 18
The UK Lotto results confirm that there were no lucky ticket holders in Wednesday night’s draw who matched the six main balls thus the UK Lotto jackpot will rollover to an estimated £9.9 million in the next UK Lotto draw which will be drawn on Saturday 1st November 2014.
There were four ticket holders who matched five main balls plus the bonus ball in tonight’s draw winning £46,913 each.
One hundred and twenty two ticket holders matched five main balls winning £1,305 each .
Eight thousand six hundred and twenty six ticket holders matched four main balls winning £97 each .
One hundred and sixty four thousand four hundred and seventy six ticket holders matched three main balls winning £25 each.
One hundred and fifty ticket holders won £20,000 each in tonight’s Lotto Raffle – winning Lotto Raffle numbers can be found here.
The machine used for this UK Lotto draw was Guinevere; ball set 8
It’s always exciting to see the UK Lotto results; the next UK Lotto draw is on Saturday 1st November 2014, with an estimated jackpot of £9.9 million.
Winning is a dream for most of us, and you can certainly improve your odds of sharing a lottery jackpot win by playing in a Lottery Syndicate. Now you’ve got the UK Lotto Results, find out how you can join a lottery syndicate and improve your chances of winning!
Click here for more details !

Posted in Lottery Results